Struggling with feeding your alpacas during the drought? Drought feeding and planning for alpacas information, written by Dr Jane Vaughan, may help you make some informed feeding decisions.
Although the paper was written for a drought situation in 2012, it is still very relevant now. Although many of us have received some much welcome and needed rain in the past few weeks, many areas still have a long way to go to move out of drought conditions.
This information may not be new to everyone but refreshers are always good for us to review our feeding regimes and remind us of alpaca nutritional needs in drought and to consider what needs to be done in planning for drought. As per the attached paper, alpacas have high roughage needs and this cannot be ignored for the health and wellbeing of your alpacas.
For those of you who may not be familiar with Dr Jane Vaughan, Jane is a camelid veterinary specialist with over 25 years experience and has conducted various evidence based research and studies in collaboration with a number of universities. Jane is also a member of the Australian Alpaca Veterinarians group and was a past President for this group and is the current Secretary and newsletter Editor for the group. Jane has ongoing interests in alpaca related research and has presented lectures to Veterinarians, veterinary students and farmers both nationally and internationally on a range of topics related to alpacas including nutritional needs. Additionally, Jane is a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Ruminant Nutrition.