Utilise eAlpaca

Utilise eAlpaca

eAlpaca provides pedigree and show services to national alpaca associations. It currently has nearly 200,000 animals with pedigrees dating back over 20 years and 10+ generations all the way to ancestors in Peru, Chile and Bolivia. 

Enjoy the knowledge, security and marketing power that this respected pedigree database offers exclusively to AAA members. 

Only in such a large and dedicated community can you find this range and level of support; we understand all the stages of the process, and we’re passionate about the development of this young and exciting industry. 


Benefits Summary 

  • Use the IAR to research alpaca pedigrees 
  • Register your own herd prefix 
  • Register the cria you breed 
  • Receive regular electronic updates on animal health and welfare issues 
  • Access Regional and National training and events 
  • Enter your animals/fleeces in AAA shows 
  • Network with other members in your area 
  • Receive World of Alpacas/AAA magazine twice yearly 
  • Access a range of member incentives 
  • Have a say in the AAA’s future 


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