About our Region
The NSW Region of the Australian Alpaca Association has the largest number of members in any region in Australia, from those that have just a couple of alpacas through to the biggest commercial herd in the country. We are a progressive region and with help from volunteer members stage a number of events throughout the year, including the largest shows outside of the AAA Nationals as well as many smaller shows that are great for those newer to alpacas to learn about alpacas, network with other members and to learn about showing for those interested. We also hold a variety of workshops throughout each year for both experienced breeders and those wanting to learn at more of an entry level, as well as several displays that are held around the state throughout each year.
We welcome new members and enquirers and aim to support members at every level and size and with varying interests. A growing number of our members have now well-established value-added business activities as part of their alpaca enterprises. The region has a focus on the continued commercialisation and sustainability of the industry through growing and sharing our activities and information.
We also welcome input from all members through suggestions and ideas and the majority of our members are only too happy to advise and provide information to those new to alpacas or thinking about getting in to alpacas.