As per clause 9.7 of the Constitution, the AAA Board is seeking expressions of interest from full or life members to fill a casual board vacancy due to the resignation of Rochelle Veitch. The appointee will serve until the AGM in late September 2020.
The AAA Board of Directors acts on behalf of members in overseeing and governing the company with defined duties and responsibilities under the Corporations Act 2001 and the AAA Constitution. It is the AAA Board’s responsibility to identify the direction and goals for a strategic plan and it is AAA management’s responsibility to implement the strategies agreed to within the Strategic Plan. Given the limited financial and physical resources of the Association, some degree of operational activity is required at Board level, to be determined in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer.
The AAA Board of Directors hold face to face meetings approximately four times each year. In addition to the face to face meetings, videoconferences are usually held monthly, or more often if required. One meeting is held in conjunction with National Council (comprising each AAA Director and Regional President), in February. AAA Directors are also expected to attend the AAA AGM and any EGM that may be called.
All AAA Directors are assigned portfolio areas of the Strategic Plan. Stewardship of the portfolios is of paramount importance to the overall governance structure, and Directors are expected to participate in meetings and contribute to discussions and decisions relating to their portfolio areas of responsibility.
The AAA Board currently consists of the following Directors:
Andrew Munn – President
Prue Walduck – Vice President
Carolyn Austin – Treasurer
Trevor Parry and Sarah Wheeler – Directors
Whilst this Director will have immediate responsibility for their portfolio and all fiduciary duties, they must be prepared to provide input into all areas of our industry for the ongoing advancement of the AAA and its members.
We are looking for a AAA member who:
- Is genuinely passionate and shares the vision of the AAA
- Is a team player with the ability to work within the existing Board
- Is excited and optimistic about the future and has a good understanding of the Australian alpaca industry
- Is willing and able to commit the time required to fulfil the role (50 – 60 days per year)
- Is a good communicator who always acts ethically and with integrity and has respect for the confidential nature of the role
- Has the ability to be objective and make decisions in the best interest of the industry – sometimes counter to one’s personal interests
- Agrees to work within the AAA governance parameters and abide by the AAA Board Code of Conduct.
- Has access to email (ongoing) and available for monthly meetings including videoconferences and face to face
- Has the ability to travel for meetings and attend AAA and industry events as required
If you are passionate about the alpaca industry and can contribute to the future of the Association, please contact the AAA CEO, Amanda Olthof for further information. Expressions of Interest for this position of Board Director, including an outline of relevant governance and business experience should be directed to Amanda Olthof ( by close of business Wednesday 13 May 2020.